Invite a J-1 Research Scholar or Professor

UNC Charlotte welcomes international faculty and scholars to teach, conduct research, and collaborate with colleagues on our campus. This overview provides host departments with helpful information prior to inviting a J-1 visiting scholar.


The J-1 Exchange Visitor Program is administered by the U.S. Department of State. Its purpose is for temporary educational and cultural exchanges and collaboration rather than long term employment. Exchange visitors are expected to return to their home countries at the end of their participation in the program to share their experience. Participants in the J-1 Exchange Visitor Program include visitors coming to teach, do research, observe, consult, or demonstrate specialized knowledge or skill.

Benefits to the University include several aspects of educational enrichment and contribute to the internationalization of the University as:

  • Participants collaborate on special research projects, teach a semester at a college or university, or lecture, consult or observe in a variety of settings in education and research in the United States.
  • Participants experience an interchange of knowledge and skills among foreign and American specialists who are defined as experts in a field of specialized knowledge.
  • Scholars facilitate the exchange of ideas and research in a variety of fields between people of the United States and people of other countries.

12 and 24 Month Bar Regulatory Requirements:

Anyone who has been in the US in any J category for more than six months is barred from reentering the US as a J-1 Research Scholar or Professor for 12 months following the completion of his/her program or stay. This regulation does not apply to Short-term Scholars.

Anyone who has been in the US as a J-1 Research Scholar or Professor for any length of time and whose SEVIS record is no longer active is barred from reentering the US as a J-1 Research Scholar or Professor for 24 months following the completion of his/her program or stay.


J-1 exchange visitors at UNC Charlotte can range from a post-doc researcher, a professor or researcher on sabbatical at UNC Charlotte, a scientific collaborator, a guest lecturer, or a professor or researcher at UNC Charlotte for up to 5 years. J-1 exchange visitors may be paid by UNC Charlotte when such activities are part of his/her program. Tenure-track appointments are not eligible for J-1 status.

The US Department of State has approved UNC Charlotte to provide J-1 programs in the following categories: Researcher, Professor, Short Term Scholar, Specialist, and Student Intern. Each category has specific requirements.

The scholar may be outside the US or may already be in a J-1 program inside the US.


Program length runs from a minimum of 3 weeks to the maximum period allowed for a specific program classification as follows:

  • Research Scholar: 5 years
  • Professor: 5 years
  • Short Term Scholar: 6 months
  • Student Intern: 1 year
  • Specialist: 1 year

Please allow 3 months between ISSO’s receipt of the completed application and your exchange visitor’s program start date. While ISSO takes only 5 business days to issue the DS-2019s, exchange visitors need time to schedule their visa interviews and for the U.S. Consulate abroad to issue the visa stamp.


The sponsoring department is responsible for the following areas:

  • Initiating the J-1 scholar request process.
  • Arranging for campus privileges such as a workspace, library, computer access, and an ID card.
  • Assisting the scholar with identifying and securing housing.
  • Submitting a Banner record on behalf of the scholar.
  • Ensuring that the J-1 Scholar has the appropriate academic credentials to perform the proposed activity.
  • Assessing the scholar’s English language skills to perform job duties and navigate daily functions.
  • Ensuring that the scholar has sufficient proof of financial support including providing a copy of the finalized contract (if applicable to position).
  • Providing a letter of invitation to the scholar to support their visa application.
  • Initiating the export control process directly with the Office of Research Protections and Integrity.
  • Providing cultural and professional exchange opportunities for the exchange visitor.
  • Notifying the ISSO if the J-1 Scholar will not arrive within 30 days of the start date.
  • Ensuring that the J-1 scholar checks into the ISSO immediately upon their arrival to Charlotte for immigration compliance purposes.
  • Notifying the ISSO of any changes in the scholar’s program including early completion or requesting an extension.

Per federal regulations, ALL J-1 visa holders and their J-2 dependents MUST have medical insurance for the period of their appointment, starting on the day of arrival. Failure to maintain health insurance is a serious violation of the Exchange Visitor Program regulations and will result in the cancellation of your program.

The insurance coverage must meet the minimums set by the Department of State as follows:

  • $100,000 per accident or illness
  • Medical evacuation of $50,000
  • Repatriation of remains of $25,000
  • A deductible not to exceed $500 per accident or illness

The insurance policy must be underwritten by an insurance corporation with an A.M. Best rating of “A-” or above; an Insurance Solvency International, Ltd. (ISI) rating of “A-1” or above a Standard and Poor’s Claims Paying Ability rating of “A-” or above; “A-“or above by Fitch Ratings, Inc.; “A3” or above by Moody’s Investor Services; or a Weiss Research, Inc. rating of B+ or above. Alternatively, the sponsor (UNCC) may ascertain that the EV’s policy is backed by the full faith and credit of the government of the EV’s home country.

For UNC Charlotte appointments eligible for University sponsored health insurance (post-docs and full-time appointments only), your coverage will not begin until the month following your arrival or program start date, whichever is later. Therefore, you are still required to purchase coverage effective on your date of entry into the U.S.

Below are several links to U.S. health insurance companies offering plans that meet the new J-1 requirements

Click here for additional health insurance information.


Sufficient financial support is required for a J-1 Scholar. J-2 dependents who accompany the J-1 require additional funding. The minimum amounts required are:

J-1 Scholar $1,700 per month = $20,400 per year

J-2 Spouse $ 700 per month = $8,400 per year

J-2 Child $ 400 per month = $4,800 per year per child

If the J-1 Scholar’s support is from a source other than UNC Charlotte, evidence of funding must be included with this request. If supported by personal funds, a bank statement in US dollars must be provided. If supported by government or international funds, an official statement translated into English with funds converted to US dollars must be provided.


To initiate a request for a J-1 Exchange Visitor, you must:

  1. Be a department administrator (a Business Services Coordinator, Business Officer, or similar role) with an account in the ISSO Portal.
  2. Prior to submitting a new request, read our ISSO J-1 Scholar Portal Training Guide for Departmental Administrators and/or view the ISSO training video here.
  3. Understand the timeline and all other host/hiring department responsibilities.
  4. Submit your request in the ISSO Portal following the instructions provided.

UNC Charlotte ISSO Portal Login Instructions:

Login using your NinerNET credentials at the ISSO Portal to begin your request.

If you have any trouble logging-in or need to be added to your department’s group, contact the ISSO at