Travel and Re-Entry to the U.S.

Travel and Re-Entry to the U.S.

To re-enter the U.S. after a temporary absence you must carry the following documents:

  • Valid and updated I-20 or DS-2019 with travel endorsement (also known as a travel signature) from ISSO staff within last year (6 months while on OPT/STEM OPT)
  • F-1 students – Open menu “F-1 Student Services”, click app “I-20 Reprint (Travel Signature) Request”
  • J-1 students – Open menu “J-1 Student Services”, click app “DS-2019 Travel Signature Request”

(Find the app under F-1 or J-1 “Student Services”. A signed copy of your I-20/DS-2019 will be uploaded into your ISSO Portal in the Documents section within 5 business days of submission. You will be able to print the I-20/DS-2019 and use it for travel purposes. All U.S. government agencies are accepting e-signed I-20s/DS-2019s. A valid travel signature is not needed at the time that you exit the U.S., only at the time of re-entry.)

  • Valid passport (at least 6 months into the future)
  • Valid U.S. visa (some exceptions may apply for travel to Canada or Mexico)
  • Current proof of financial support
  • Unofficial transcript
  • OPT & STEM OPT students must have their EAD and employment verification letter from their employer
  • Make sure that you are in lawful immigration status and eligible to return to the U.S.
  • Upon your re-entry to the U.S. you can print your I-94 here

Additionally, please read the sections below if they apply to you or you have concerns.

Renewing an F-1/J-1 Visa Stamp

If you decide to travel abroad during your studies, before you can re-enter the U.S., you will need a valid visa stamp in your passport. If you notice that your F-1 or J-1 visa will be expired by the time of your re-entry, before you can return to the U.S., you must apply for and receive a new one. There is actually no separate process for renewing a visa vs. applying for your first one — it’s the same process. Also: there is no way to get a visa stamp from within the United States itself. Finally, make sure your trip abroad is long enough to accommodate the visa process if you do need to apply for a new one. More information about the visa process can be found here. Additionally, exceptions may apply for short trips to Canada or Mexico; click here for more on that.

Travel Within the United States

Travel within the U.S. (between states, cities etc.) is generally not restricted. However, if you are traveling inside the U.S., you should carry the following documents (or copies of these documents):

  • Passport
  • I-94 (Can be accessed here)
  • I-20 or DS-2019
  • EAD card if on OPT
Possible Port of Entry Questioning

When you re-enter the U.S., a Customs and Border Protection agent may ask to see your documents and may ask you questions. Answer any questions honestly, especially regarding drug or alcohol offences. If you have ever been arrested, this information is available to visa and port of entry officers. Be aware that visas can be revoked for those arrested for DUI (driving while under the influence of alcohol) and other offenses.