course registration
Can I study 100% online from outside the U.S. or in a different part of the U.S.?
International students seeking to enter the U.S. on F-1 or J-1 visa MUST apply and secure admission to one of UNC Charlotte’s face-to-face undergraduate or graduate programs. Upon admission, the form I-20 or DS-2019 will be issued to students to help them apply for an F-1 or J-1 student visa at their local U.S. embassy or consulate.
According to United States immigration regulations, online programs are NOT eligible for I-20 or DS-2019 issuance. Students who are in the U.S. on other visa types which grant permission to study, may enroll in any UNC Charlotte program as long as they maintain valid immigration status in the States.
I have decided not to attend UNC Charlotte. What do I do? (Newly Admitted Students)
You are responsible for dropping your classes if you do not intend to study at UNC Charlotte for the semester that you’ve been admitted to.
If you enroll in classes for the semester you’ve been admitted for, but do not plan to attend and do not drop your courses by the end of the semester’s Add/Drop Deadline (found here), you will be responsible for paying that semester’s tuition and health insurance, even if you never enter the U.S., attend a different university etc.
I might want to take a break from studies — what should I know?
These are complex and stressful times. If you are a continuing student who, for personal reasons, cannot or chooses not to enroll full-time with a maximum of one online course per semester, you will need to apply for a Leave of Absence. See our Leave of Absence webpage for more information, including how this can affect CPT and OPT time.
employment issues
Can I undertake on-campus employment from outside the U.S.?
It’s technically possible, but extremely unlikely that you’ll be able to undertake on-campus employment from outside the U.S.
Here’s the practical reason why:
Hiring departments at UNC Charlotte may need to pay additional administrative costs associated with paying employees who reside outside the U.S. to a third party Human Resources manager. These additional costs can run in the thousands of dollars. Does it make sense for a hiring unit to have to pay an additional $20,000 in administrative costs, for example, to hire a student to work a part-time summer job from outside the U.S.? — probably not.
Therefore, if you are wondering if you can be outside the U.S. and still work as an on-campus student employee, you must receive approval from your hiring department before working while outside the U.S. as the additional administrative costs would need to be absorbed by the hiring department. Hiring departments at UNC Charlotte must review the Provost’s Physical Location of Workforce webpage to evaluate the costs involved in paying employees who reside outside the U.S.
I am being required by my employer to work remotely. What does this mean for my OPT employer address reporting?
If your employer allows you to work remotely due to Covid-19, there is no impact on your OPT. Students should never enter a Work From Home Address as an Employer Address in the SEVP Portal or on an I-983; instead, students who are working from home on OPT should enter their employer’s usual site of business or headquarters address.
How can I get a travel signature on my I-20/DS-2019?
Travel signatures for currently enrolled students are valid for one year from the date of the last signature. If you are on OPT your signature is only valid for six months. If this signature will expire prior to your anticipated return, visit the ISSO Travel page to request a new travel signature. You will not have to submit your original I-20/DS-2019 document to be signed; instead it will be reprinted and uploaded into the same portal you will use to submit the travel endorsement request.
What is the Social Security Number (SSN) and how can I get one?
The social security number is used for international students who are employed in the US and need to file for taxes. Students in F1 or J1 status who have been offered employment are required to obtain a social security number and must apply through the Social Security Office.
Since all US citizens have social security numbers it’s common that people may assume that you have one and ask you what it is. You will have to remind (or teach) them that you are an international student and don’t have one yet. Most of the time they are trying to verify identify and so your passport will serve this purpose. More details will be provided by the ISSO at the International Student Orientation Program or you can read more at ISSO Employment page.
public transportation
What is public transportation like in Charlotte?
Charlotte is traditionally a “car city” although recent efforts are underway to make it more pedestrian-friendly. In the meantime some tips for getting around include:
- share a ride with friends
- take the bus (bus service is available at the university but frequency varies depending on the area of the city you want to travel to). For more info, visit the Auxiliary Services website
- buy your own vehicle (you can search for second-hand cars online or with the dealers once you arrive)
- take the on-campus shuttle (no payment needed) for travel around campus
- take the light rail (student ID card is your ticket to ride). For more info, visit https://lightrail.charlotte.edu/
registration & academic advising
Are faculty contact/advisor and Graduate Program Coordinator/Director both the same?
Students are notified of their faculty contact/advisor at the time of admission. This faculty contact is assigned by the department itself, based in part on a student’s academic program/research interests. It is possible that faculty-contact is the same person as the Graduate Program coordinator/Director; or it may be a different faculty member in the department. Regardless of who the student’s faculty-contact within the department is, most administrative matters of academic nature need clearance/signature also from the Graduate Program Coordinator/Director and the Graduate School.
How will I be notified about my Academic advisor/Graduate Coordinator?
At the Undergraduate level
You may find assistance at Advising.
At the Graduate level
This information is provided in your 49er Express account (follow the steps below)
- Log into 49er Express
- Click on “Banner Self-Service”
- Click on “Student Services/Financial Aid/Student Accounts”
- Click on “Student Records”; “General Student Record” is 1st link
If there is no name is listed, then you may contact your major department and request an advisor. If you have not yet declared a major, you may contact the University Advising Center.
What is the minimum/maximum number of courses that can be taken each semester?
- Undergraduate students in F1 status must enroll in at least 12 credit hours per semester. More may be possible but you should talk with your academic advisor first.
- Graduate students in F1 status must enroll in at least 9 credit hours. Ph.D.’s on Graduate Assistantship and G.A.S.P. are required to take 9 credits. Any additional credits per semester must be authorized by the Graduate Program Director and the Graduate School.
When & how can I register for courses?
- Graduate students can register for courses once they activate their 49er account. You will need your student ID# to get started. It will come in your admission letter or email.
- Log-in into your 49er account and click on Banner Self Service and then click on Student and Financial Aid and then follow the instructions.
- Undergraduate students can register only after attending Undergraduate Orientation once you arrive on-campus.
- Exchange students can register for classes once they arrive on-campus. The International Student/Scholar Office (ISSO) staff will pre-register you for certain courses that have been requested.
Research opportunities
What are the research opportunities at UNC Charlotte?
This depends on the specific academic department. You can start by looking at their website and then contact information for professors will be available so you can send an email if necessary.
How secure is it at UNC Charlotte?
UNC Charlotte has its own police department and they work to help keep all students safe. There are emergency phones located all over campus and police are always available to assist students in trouble.
To view the statistics of crime rates at UNC Charlotte, go to UNC Charlotte’s Police website. For off-campus security statistics (in Charlotte) click on CMPD statistics.
payment of tuition & fees
How much do I need to pay for tuition and fees and how can I pay for it?
The tuition and fees schedule is posted at here.
However, the exact figure will depend on what courses you register for and if there are any additional fees administered.
You can pay by credit card, traveler’s check, bank check, Demand Draft, or FlyWire international bank transfer. You can find some more helpful information at here.
For Information on payment deadline at click here.
How much money should I bring and in what form?
In addition to the tuition and fees, you might consider bringing about $2000 in traveler’s checks plus an additional $200 in U.S currency (small bills and coins) to make phone calls at the airport and other immediate purposes. Bring enough money to get settled-in and remember that on-campus work may or may not be available immediately.
Should I bring a Demand Draft to pay my tuition and fees (Indian students)?
A demand draft payable to University of North Carolina at Charlotte is preferable. You do not need to worry if there are a couple of dollars difference between the total to be paid and the total in the DD, the difference will be credited on your student account. If you overpaid, a refund will be issued.
student organizations
Are there any student organizations or communities that I can join after coming there?
There are many student organizations at UNC Charlotte and hopefully you’ll find at least one which looks interesting to you! They are listed at Student Activities and at Grad Life Leadership Activities.
things to get bring from my home country
What books should I bring from home?
You may want to ask your professor or Graduate Coordinator/Academic Advisor about the text book requirements for your courses. If you know who they are you can look-up their email address at UNC Charlotte Directory Search. Remember to get the right edition!
What do I need to bring from my home country?
- Most of the things can be purchased here but it might be a little expensive.
- Make sure you bring in the daily requirements like toiletries to last you at least for a few weeks.
- Make sure to get the medicines that you might require because you don’t get medicines without a prescription here. So get enough of them to last you for a while.
- Bring a nice jacket to keep you warm during the chilly winter here, and also carry a sweater along with you (keeping one extra sweater is advisable). Clothes can also be bought here once you arrive.
- You might prefer to buy your course text books and bring them along with you.
- A good scientific calculator.
- Adapter.
- Familiarize yourself with local conditions and laws.
visas & sevis
How do I apply for the visa and what documents do I need?
More information is also available on the USCIS website visa application.
How do I pay the SEVIS fee?
This information is available at SEVIS fee.
just before leaving for U.S./Port of entry
What are the precautions I need to take at the airport?
- Make sure you are at the airport on time for the security check (you do not want to miss your flight)
- Never leave your baggage alone (take along your baggage also into the restrooms) for fear of theft or mishandling by strangers.
- Do not interact too much with the strangers.
- If you need to take a connecting flight, just stay calm and follow the instructions at the airport or contact the help desk provided by your airlines.
What is the port of entry and what needs to be done at the port of entry?
Port of entry is the city and state in the U.S where you step-in first (the first place where you step on the U.S soil after entering the U.S)
For port of entry procedures (immigration and customs):
off-campus housing
How much does off-campus housing usually cost?
Usually the rent depends on the area you are choosing to live-in. It is advisable you live close by so that you don’t have to travel too much for class everyday. Rent for an apartment close by usually costs around $800 to 850 per month and the apartment can be shared by up to four people.
Is there any possibility of off-campus housing?
There are several apartment complexes close-by, where many international and U.S. students reside. You can search for them at the Off Campus Housing website. Once you enter the home page, you must “Sign Up”. Complete the student registration page and login. Then you can browse for various housing options.
best time for arrival in the u.s.
When is the best time to arrive in the U.S.?
If you will be living off-campus and want time to get adjusted to your new environment you might want to plan your arrival one to two weeks prior to the start of the semester. Students in F-1 or J-1 status may enter the U.S. only up to 30 days prior to the start date on the I-20 or DS-2019.
climate in charlotte
How is the climate in Charlotte?
Climate is mild in Charlotte as compared to many other places in the U.S, with temperatures averaging about 85 F in the summer (30 C) and about 40 F (4 C) in the winter. Some winter days are below freezing and there is occasional snow. The summer is humid with some days having temperatures above 90 F.
Financial assistance/employment
What are the chances of getting financial assistance at UNC Charlotte?
- Graduate students are eligible for Graduate Assistantships but they are not always available and it often depends upon the funds available within your academic department. Many departments do not have any funding for assistantships while others have significant funds.
- Some assistantships have tuition waivers (student pays no tuition) or differentials (student pays the “in-state” tuition rate). Again these are sometimes possible but not always.
- Financial assistance for undergraduate students is usually limited to athletic scholarships. Unfortunately, international students do not qualify for U.S. government-sourced funding.
- On-campus work is sometimes available. Once you arrive at UNC Charlotte you may ask within the various non-academic departments on campus or within your own academic department if there are any current vacancies. Also, please understand that the application process varies from department to department so some may take resumes while others may ask you to complete an application. You will need to be patient and allow some time for the potential employer to contact you if there is a vacancy available. If not, don’t lose hope as some vacancies may open-up throughout the academic year. You can always check back at a later time.
What are the immunization requirements?
This information is available at the Student Health Center website immunization requirements.